Launch of the IPO's Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) Resource Hub

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On 5 March 2024, I wrote in Patents: a New Resource Hub on Standard Essential Patents in May and HMG's other Proposals on FRAND Licensing that the IPO guidance document Standard Essential Patents: 2024 forward look promised an online SEP Resource Hub by May 2024 which would be a repository of tools, guidance and other material designed to help SMEs navigate what the IPO called "the SEPs ecosystem." The guidance also promised signposting to dispute resolution procedures, information on patent pools, and court processes to resolve disputes.

Possibly because an election was called in May the resource hub's launch was delayed until 22 July 2024. It is now up and running and can be accessed at on the Intellectual Property Office ("IPO") website.   The best place to start is the IPO press release One-stop SEPs Resource Hub launched by UK IPO of 22 July 2024.  It states:
  • "The SEP Resource Hub aims to be a ‘one stop shop’ for businesses in the UK seeking guidance on how to navigate the SEPs ecosystem
  • guidance includes Technical Standards and Standard Development Organisations, Standard Essential Patent Licensing, and Dispute Resolution and Remedies in SEP Licensing
  • the Hub has been developed in collaboration with industry. It is an evolving resource and will continue to be developed over time to include additional guidance and support
  • the Hub is the starting point to address information asymmetry and transparency concerns within the market. It forms part of a package of non-regulatory actions from the UK IPO to address challenges in the SEPs ecosystem."
As the video explains, the hub is divided into 4 parts and the press release contains the following links to them:
As of the time of writing, the UK SEPs case law tracker did not list the Court of Appeal's judgment in  InterDigital Technology Corporation and others v Lenovo Group Ltd and others [2024] EWCA Civ 743 (12 July 2024) which I discussed in The Appeal - InterDigital Technology v Lenovo yesterday.  This is a very important decision which clarifies the concept of FRAND better than any previous decision through its discussion on limitation and interest.

As I said in my case note on the Court of Appeal's decision in IvterDigital Technology Corporation and others v Lenovo Group Ltd. and others, I shall give a talk on TMT: A SEP & FRAND overview at the Cambridge IP Law Summer School at Downing College on 13 Aug 2024. between 16:00 and 16:45.  I shall certainly mention this resource in my talk and link to it in the resources pack. Anyone who wants to register for the summer school will find details in  Cambridge IP Law Summer School in NIPC News on 20 July 2024. Anyone unable to attend the summer school who nevertheless wishes to discuss this article further should call me on 020 7404 5252 during normal office hours or send me a message through my contact page.


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