India's 31% Increase in Patent Applications between 2021 and 2022
Copyright 2023 WIPO Standard YouTube Licence Jane Lambert The WIPO's World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023 and the statistic that caught my eye is that India filed 31.6% more patent applications in 2022 than in the previous year. According to the accompanying press release, it extended an 11-year run of growth unmatched by any other country among the top 10 filers. India overtook the UK in the list of countries that filed the most patent applications in 2022. There was a 1.7% growth in the worldwide number of patent applications in 2022 (3,457,400 in 2022 compared to 3,400,500 in 2021. Some 1.58 million (or nearly half) of those patent applications came from China. The USA came second with 505,539 applications, Japan third with 405,361, South Korea fourth with 272,315 and Germany fifth with 155,896. The UK lay eighth with 53,536 between India with 55,718 and Switzerland with 49,077. There was, however, a sharp...