IP Law Summer School Coming Home
Summer School Attendees © 2017 Gita Mistry: All rights reserved Jane Lambert For the first time in three years, there will be an IP Law Summer School in Cambridge in Summer . There was an IP law Summer School in 2020 but it took place entirely online. There were presentations on IP law in Cambridge last year given by the usual speakers but they took place in December . We had a dinner and pub quiz but not much else. We also had to give the last few talks online to comply with public health regulations. If you want to know what happens at the Cambridge IP Law Summer School, look at my write-ups for 2017 and 2019 . The event is attended by some of the leading practitioners in this country and abroad. For instance, on Tuesday 16 Aug 2022 I will introduce Sean Leach from Mathys & Squire, Hiroshi Sheraton from Baker & McKenzie, Andrew Payne from TaylorWessing, Matthew Shade of Wilmer Hale, Andrew White of Mathys & Squire, Timothy...