IP Training - Patents 101 Tuesday, 21 April 2020 14:00

Jane Lambert

If your business has been forced to close if your staff are furloughed. if you are a furloughed employee or even if you have lost your job one as a result of this ****ing virus, one of the few positive things you can do during this lockdown is to train.  And if you are thinking of launching new products, starting a new business or looking for a new job one of the most useful things you can learn is intellectual property.

Starting next Tuesday at 14:00 London time, I shall give an introductory talk on English and Welsh patent law which, in keeping with academic tradition, I shall call Patents 101.  This talk will last about 90 minutes and is aimed primarily at entrepreneurs, business owners and managers but should also be useful for solicitors and barristers who specialize in fields other than intellectual property and perhaps even associates and trainees who are about to work in their firms' IP departments.

The talk will cover the following topics:
  • What is a patent?
  • The development of patent law from the Statute of Monopolies to the European Patent Convention and the Patents Act 1977;
  • Why governments grant patents: the inventor's bargain with the public;
  • Institutions: The Intellectual Property Office, the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization;
  • Patentable inventions: novelty, inventive step, utility and excluded matter;
  • How to apply for a patent;
  • Specification;
  • Claims and how to interpret them;
  • Enforcement: the Patents Court, Intellectual Property Enterprise Court, Examiners' opinions;
  • Revocation: anticipation, obviousness, insufficiency and added matter;
  • Threats actions;
  • Employees' inventions;
  • Licensing; 
  • supplementary protection certificates; and 
  • Alternatives to patenting.
Every attendee will receive s full set of course materials in pdf format and my slides can be downloaded from Slideshare.

My qualifications for giving this talk are that I have practised at the English patent bar for many years as readers will see from my profile. Recently, I have spoken at and chaired one of the sessions of the Cambridge IP Law Summer School at Downing College, the WIPO Advisory Committee on Enforcement in Geneva, C5's Biotech and Pharmaceutical Patent Litigation conference in Amsterdam and IQPC's Life Sciences Conference in London. 

As this will be an introductory talk it will be free.  That may not be true of every talk I give.  As it will be delivered over Zoom the initial audience will be limited to 15 attendees. If I get positive feedback from the audience I shall repeat this talk and maybe offer others on other branches of IP law or a more detailed look at particulars aspects of patent law such as second medical use and dosage patents and FRAND.

If you want to learn more about the talk, send me a message through my "Contact" form 

Register through Eventbrite.


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