NIPC Branding Launched

Jane Lambert

I have just launched a new blog called NIPC Branding which covers trade marks and branding for startups and other small businesses.

This blog has grown out of my public access practice. On the About page I explain that "difficulties have arisen that could have been avoided, or opportunities missed that could have been exploited, had the persons involved been made aware of the issue in advance." The purpose of this blog is discuss those issues and the countermeasures that can be taken to avoid the difficulties and steps that can be taken to exploit the opportunities.

I also set out the services that I offer and how I can be instructed if anyone wants further advice or assistance.

The very first post addresses the question of whether an entrepreneur can apply for a trade mark by him or herself or whether he or she should instruct a trade mark attorney (see Can I apply for a Trade Mark by myself or must I instruct an Attorney? 31 May 2017). There is a very big temptation for a young company to cut out unnecessary expense. Although a lot of people have applied successfully for trade marks without using I would advise against dispensing with the services of a trade mark attorney. However, I also give a number of tips to increase the chances of a successful application for people who decide not to take my advice.

Anyone wishing to discuss trade marks or branding for startups and other small businesses should call me on +44 (0)20 7404 5252 or send me a message through my contact form.


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