Grantham Science Festival - there is a practical side to science

A putative descendant of Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree

Jane Lambert

Baroness Thatcher may be Grantham's most famous (or, depending on your politics infamous) daughter but Sir Isaac Newton was indisputably its greatest son. Although Thatcher was by no means in the same league as Newton she was also a scientist. To celebrate its scientific heritage and in particular Newton's theory of gravitation Grantham is holding a science and arts festival known as Gravity Fields between the 24 and 28 Sept 2014.

There will be all everything from rocket science for 2 to 5 year olds to building quantum computers with Professor Danny Segal of Imperial College in the Science Festival and Douglas Hollick's Goldberg Variations to Chasing the Eclipse a new ballet by Chantry Dance Company, the only professional dance company in Lincolnshire.

Now science, the arts and technology are the hallmarks of civilization but people will only invest in them only if their inventions, brands, designs and works of art and literature are safeguarded from the counterfeiters, freeloaders and pirates. That's where intellectual property comes in.  Intellectual property is the collective name for the bundle of laws that protect intellectual assets. That is to say patents for inventions, trade mark registration for brands, copyrights for works of art and literature and so on.

Now this area of this law is not easy but it affects in one way or another just about every business in just about every industrial sector and in ways that may not be expected. For instance, just everything that you write whether a computer program or an appreciation of Shelley is a work of literature in which copyright can subsist.  The loyal customer base that you generate by consistently giving good service is goodwill that attaches to your trade name or logo.

Now as our contribution to Gravity Fields we and our friends in the Intellectual Property Office and Loven IP will present a workshop on those issues at 2 pm on Friday 26 Sept 2014 at Grantham College. This workshop is free but booking is essential as space is limited. After the workshop we shall hold one to one consultations with those with specific issues on any of the topics that we cover. You can book your place by clicking here or the post below.


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