New IP Clinics in Hendon and Bradford

Jane Lambert

Before the economic downturn I used to hold monthly IP clinics in  Barnsley, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds, Rotherham, York and the Wirral. These were very busy and I used to see between 20 and 30 entrepreneurs, inventors or other creative folk every month. A number of those persons succeeded and they created many new jobs.

Glyde House Bradford
When the downturn came, demand for those clinics disappeared almost overnight.  I do not know whether that was because banks were more reluctant to lend or because fewer people wanted to take the risk of setting up new businesses.  Only one clinic kept going throughout those years and that was the one at the Barnsley Business Innovation Centre on the second Tuesday of every month between 10:00 and 12:00.

Middlesex University
Now that the economy has started to pick up I have decided to revive my Bradford clinic at Glyde House on the third Thursday between 14:00 and 16:00 and launch a new one at Middlesex University Law School in Hendon on the last Tuesday between 12:00 and 14:00.   At each of those centres I give up to 4 consultations in slots of 30 minutes each. Typical questions are "I have thought of this idea for a business but how do I stop people from copying my idea once I start trading?" or "I have received this letter before claim from such and such solicitors. What do I do about it?"

Often I can give a complete answer but sometimes I have to refer the client to some other service which again is usually provided free or for a very small charge. For instance, he or she may need to know whether there have been any similar inventions in which case I may introduce him or her to Ged and Stef at Leeds Business and IP Centre and arrange a prior art search. If the client needs a professional service I may refer him or her to a patent or trade mark attorney, specialist solicitor, product development consultant or other service provider depending on the need.

Consultations are entirely free but must be booked in advance.

If you want to see me in Barnsley Business and Innovation Centre on Tuesday the 8 April (or the second Tuesday of any other month) between 10:00 and 12:00 click here or call George on 020 7404 5252 to make an appointment.

If you want to see me in Glyde House on Thursday the 17 April (or the third Thursday of any other month) between 14:00 and 16:00) click here or call George on 020 7404 5252.

If you want to see me at Middlesex University Law School in Hendon on Tuesday the 29 April 2014 (or the last Tuesday of any other month between 14:00 and 16:00) click here or call George on 0202 7404 5252.

Further Reading

Jane Lambert "Our London IP Clinics" 8 Jan 2014 IP South East
Jane Lambert "IP Clinics with a Difference" 31 Dec 2013 London IP and Tech
Jane Lambert "Accolade for IP Yorkshire in the Flood Report" 15 Jan 2009 IP Yorkshire
Jane Lambert  "Trade Marks: No Names, No Pack Drill but here is a Success Story that shows how the Panel works"  12 Sep 2008 IP Yorks


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