IPO Review of Enforcement: Call for Evidence
Intellectual Property Office, Newport Reproduced with kind permission of the Intellectual Property Office Jane Lambert In Protecting creativity, supporting innovation: IP enforcement 2020 which was published on 16 May 2020, the Intellectual Property Office promised to review periodically "existing methods of legal recourse for IP infringement to ensure they are effective, consistent, and proportionate." On 5 Oct 2020, it announced a call for evidence from IP rights owners to inform that review. The closing date for submissions is 11:45 on 2 Nov 2020. There are three key themes for the review; the cost of legal challenges, how accessible and effective the judicial process is, and improvements to the Small Claims Track of the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court. There is also a discussion on whether to include registered designs disputes within the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Track. The Introduction states that t...