
Showing posts from March, 2020

Unified Patent Court refuses to die - Try Growing Garlic

"The Vampire" Philip Burne-Jones  Jane Lambert "Will nothing kill off the Unified Patent Court?" some might ask.  One would have thought our government's volte-face on British participation in the Unified Patent Court agreement would have been pretty lethal (see Jane Lambert Volte-Face on the UPC Agreement 29 Feb 2020). If that was not enough to kill it off the German Constitutional Court's decision in 2 BvR 739/17 ( Re the UPC Agreement) was like a stake through the heart. And yet the UPC refuses to die.  On the day after the Constitutional Court had delivered its judgment, the Preparatory Committee commented: "Despite the fact that the judgement will result in further delay the preparatory work will continue, while the judgement and the way forward is further analysed." Not even the COVID-19 pandemic will daunt them:  "work will move forward using all available resources to keep the momentum." As I said in...

World Intellectual Property Day – April 26, 2020: Innovate for a Green Future

Standard YouTube Licence Jane Lambert On 26 April of each and every year, the world's intellectual property practitioners celebrate World Intellectual Property Day . It falls on the anniversary of the day the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization  ("WIPO") came into force.  Each year the day has a different theme.  The theme for 2020 is "Innovate for a Green Future," According to the WIPO's World IP Day index page: "We explore how a balanced and robust IP system can support the emergence of a green economy that works with and not against the earth’s life-support systems. We look at how the patent system fosters innovation and the development and diffusion of eco-friendly technologies that enable us tackle the climate crisis and build a green future; how design thinking and design rights together support the optimal use of resources and enable designers to invest their time and talent in creating useful, attrac...