Unified Patent Court refuses to die - Try Growing Garlic
"The Vampire" Philip Burne-Jones Jane Lambert "Will nothing kill off the Unified Patent Court?" some might ask. One would have thought our government's volte-face on British participation in the Unified Patent Court agreement would have been pretty lethal (see Jane Lambert Volte-Face on the UPC Agreement 29 Feb 2020). If that was not enough to kill it off the German Constitutional Court's decision in 2 BvR 739/17 ( Re the UPC Agreement) was like a stake through the heart. And yet the UPC refuses to die. On the day after the Constitutional Court had delivered its judgment, the Preparatory Committee commented: "Despite the fact that the judgement will result in further delay the preparatory work will continue, while the judgement and the way forward is further analysed." Not even the COVID-19 pandemic will daunt them: "work will move forward using all available resources to keep the momentum." As I said in...