Business Incubators and Accelerators Directory
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Photo Homelka Source Wikipedia Creative Commons Licence Jane Lambert The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has recently published Business incubators and accelerators: the national picture , a research paper for the Department written by Jonathan Bone, Olivia Allen and Christopher Haley of NESTA and a national directory of business incubators and accelerators . The authors have identified 205 incubators and 163 accelerators in the UK supporting around 3,450 and 3,660 businesses a year respectively. Incubators are to be found throughout the UK but the regions with the highest proportion to the number of businesses are to be found in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Over half of all accelerators are in London though the highest concentration of accelerators to the number of businesses is to be found in Scotland. As I specialize in advising and acting f...