Animated Advice
Embedded pursuant to the standard YouTube Licence Jane Lambert The Intellectual Property Office has recently uploaded a series of videos to its YouTube channel which are very short but also very useful. The primer is IP Basics: What is Intellectual Property and it is followed by films on copyrights. designs , patents and trade marks . Although they have been uploaded for some time they do not seem to have been watched by many people which is a pity because they are a lot better than the advice one can expect from most invention promotion companies or even some lawyers and, of course, they are free. The above video on IP BASICS: Is Intellectual Property important to my business? has received only 970 views since the 27 Nov 2015 and a large number of those will have have been made by me. I hope this article may attract more viewers for these films. Good though the IPO animations are there are some that have been produced by other organizations that I l...