
Showing posts from August, 2014

Sponsoring the Performing Arts - the Legal Considerations

' Dream Dance' workshop from Rae Piper on Vimeo .  Jane Lambert As part of the Lincoln Inspired Festival 2014 , the Chantry Dance Company delivered a workshop in which the participants were guided in creating their own modern ballet piece based on the subject of dreams. The piece seen in the video was created by the dancers in just 2 hours! You can read all about it in "Chantry Dance Company's Sandman and Dream Dance"  10 May 2014 Terpsichore. As I noted in  Chantry Dance Summer School  2 Aug 2014 the company does great educational and outreach work bringing dance into prisons and care homes as well as theatres. Ballet Cymru does great work with Gloucester Dance (see  "'Stuck in the Mud' doesn't mean you're stuck"  25 June 2014 Terpsichore ). Valuable educational and outreach work is also done by Northern Ballet and Scottish Ballet. Much of this work depends on sponsorship by businesses and individuals and companies in the...